Category Archives: Wildlife

Animals and critters which are not birding specific.

Dinner time

Gold Finch with thistle

Gold Finch with thistle

A large patch of thistle makes a good dinner stop for a hungry Gold Finch. It was interesting to watch the bird pull the seeds out one at a time and strip the fluff off before eating them.

New arrivals at the National Zoo

Andean Bears, cubs, zoo, Washington, DC,

Momma and her new cubs

Once again the National Zoo in Washington, DC has new Andean bear cubs. The Zoo photo club was offered a sneak preview on Friday, a day before the general public got access. It was cool and a little bit of rain was falling. That a did not stop the cubs from having a good time.

cub, Andean Bear, zoo, Washington dc,

Tree Huger

For two hours the cubs ran around, climbed trees and just had fun. Momma bear kept a close eye on them but gave them free rein to do pretty much whatever they wanted.

Momma letting junior know he is not to go back up that tree

Momma letting junior know he is not to go back up that tree

One exception was when one cub attempted to go very high in a tree. Momma gave him a bite in the rear and pulled him back down.

National Zoo-8373-436

Just hanging out looking cute

Practice and practice some more


I’ve been taking advantage of the potted plants in the house to practice photographing flowers.The Begonias are quite nice and blooming all over. I’ve been experimenting with day light, LED lamps and tungsten lamps with and without diffuser. Interesting challenge since the leaves and petals can be very reflective. Can’t call the MUA to tone it down. The polarizer doesn’t always work either. Still got plenty of ugly weather days to work it out before hitting the trails looking for the newly blooming wildflowers.